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Cologne, September 2024

3.6 percent of all founders in Germany obtained their highest academic degree at the University of Cologne. This makes the university the most start-up-friendly non-technical university in Germany and puts it in third place overall in the German Startup Monitor 2024.

With around 1,800 founders surveyed, the annual study by the Startup Association and auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers is considered the most comprehensive survey of the start-up scene in Germany.

This proves that our approach of supporting spin-offs from the wide range of excellent research at the University of Cologne with specialized transfer scouts has paid off. Our nine new start-up-oriented professorships also anchor entrepreneurship, innovation and digitalization permanently in the faculties.
Marc Kley
CEO | Gateway Exzellenz Start-up Center

Together with RWTH Aachen University, Start 2Group and the Gateway Universities Cologne, we are setting up a Startup Factory. We want to develop established start-ups into internationally successful scale-ups and become the European hub for deeptech start-ups.

Our Gateway Factory Startup combines the technological expertise and experience with industry cooperations in Aachen with the management and financial expertise in the business metropolis of Cologne. The Start2 Group adds its scaling know-how and international networks.

Marijan Kojic, M.A.

Head of Communications & Events