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FIMO Health

The Team

Teamname: FIMO Health

Founders: Alexander Krawinkel, Dominik Stiegeler, Benedict Höger

People with diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis or myalgic encephalomyelitis often suffer from fatigue, massively affecting their quality of life. Depending on the severity of the disease, the vital capacity can drop to as little as 10% of the original performance level. Fatigue is a clinically relevant exhaustion that is not significantly improved by sleep or relaxation and occurs in disproportion to previous cognitive or physical activity.

We are developing a data-based solution for fatigue patients. Using various devices, we measure important vital parameters (pulse, HRV, sleep, etc.) and environmental parameters (light, noise, weather, etc.) of the patients. In addition, our app includes various questionnaires and cognitive tests that are completed by the patients.

Using this everyday data and artificial intelligence, we want to help individuals to gain a better understanding of their individual fatigue and to avoid exceeding their own stress limits in order to reduce fatigue. In addition, we want to demonstrate and track the benefits and effectiveness of various therapies and medications.

We are a spin-off of the University of Cologne and also work with other research partners such as the University of Bonn or the University of Witten-Herdecke as well as with partners in industry such as Merck or Samsung. Currently, we are conducting a clinical trial with MS patients to test and further develop our prototype.