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  • Event for:ScientistsStartup EcosystemFounders
  • Event type:LectureWettbewerbNetzwerkevent

ChemCologne Collaboration Day (in DE)

Co-creation: Shaping the future of the chemical industry together

The chemical industry is of central importance to the Rhineland, as one of the strongest chemical regions in Europe. But to successfully master the challenges of the future, it is essential that we all act and cooperate together. The event "Co-creation: Shaping the future of the chemical industry together" offers the perfect platform to do just that.

Registration for this event is closed.

" The collaboration day is an excellent platform to connect young and creative startups with the chemical industry. "

Pitch sessions: Successful collaborations between companies and startups.

Companies will present their cooperation experiences with startups and provide insights into the diverse opportunities for collaboration. Startups get the opportunity to pitch their innovative ideas and students can exhibit their research projects.

Networking: building bridges and forging partnerships

The event ends in a networking area where you will have the opportunity to make valuable contacts and meet potential partners for future collaborations.


13:00: Registration

13:45: Welcome talk

  • Marc Kley, Managing Director Gateway Excellence Start-up Center
  • Christoph Kappenhagen, Chairman of the Board ChemCologne and Managing Director Yncoris GmbH & Co. KG

14:00: Panel discussion: From laboratory to application - opportunities, challenges and solutions

  • Prof. Dr. Annette Schmidt, Transfer Officer Math.Nat. Faculty of the University of Cologne
  • Dr. Slim Chiha, Co-Founder Prosion Therapeutics
  • Stefan Weber, Project Lead Ecosystem & Partnering Chemstars.nrw

14:30: Corporate Pitch Session

  • Jürgen Giegerich and Jürgen Sehl, Siemens AG "Siemens@StartUp - Working together to drive sustainable transformation in chemistry"
  • Dr. Jens Busse, Evonik Venture Capital GmbH "From competition to cooperation: how corporates and startups can work together successfully"

15:00: Break & Poster Session

Researchers from the University of Cologne present their projects

15:45: Startup Pitch Session

  • ChemInnovation - Smart analytics as an accelerator of F&F
  • alteva - Ultralight batteries for a climate-neutral transport sector
  • Impuls Energy Trading - Exploiting flexibility potentials in short-term electricity trading
  • Cyclize - Replacing fossil feedstocks in the chemical industry by using mixed plastic waste and CO2
  • Pipepredict - Digital leak localization and pipe burst prediction by AI

16:45: "How it started, how it ́s going"

"Grownups" from the Gateway startup center talk about their development

  • Dennis Prausse, Co-Founder nerou "Startup rules of the game - learning and understanding"
  • Dr. Alexander Müller, Managing Partner SUMTEQ GmbH "tba"

17:15: Award ceremony Startup Pitch session and poster prize

17:25: Networking & Co