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For Businesses

Gateway ESC's activities create a culture of entrepreneurial thinking and action. Rooted in research and teaching, we aim to act as a long-term and sustainable platform, stimulating and supporting a constantly growing number of start-ups from academia.

Die Arbeit des Gateway ESC schafft eine Kultur des unternehmerischen Denkens und Handeln. Verwurzelt in der Forschung und Lehre wollen wir als eine langfristige und nachhaltige Plattform agieren und eine ständig wachsende Anzahl an Gründungen aus der Wissenschaft anregen und unterstützend begleiten.

We seek active partnerships and collaborations with sponsors who support us with ideational and financial resources in order to achieve this goal. Invest in the Gateway ESC and make an impact in the startup ecosystem. In doing so, you invest into structures enabling future generations of founders to implement innovative start-up ideas and leverage potentials.

Support through idealistic service

Gateway ESC is always looking for partner companies, organizations and individuals to support our work through ideational services in various areas. We would be happy to discuss individual options and combinations with you.

Examples of idealistic services

  • Volunteering - Become a mentor for our start-up teams
  • Know-how - Become a gateway expert-in-residence
  • Rooms, spaces and locations - Provide start-up teams with labs, event spaces or trade fair venues, for example.
  • Logistics - Provide practical support, e.g. by making warehouses or parking spaces available.
  • Equipment and services - Provide access to research equipment or databases
  • Other - Provide access to network contacts or distribution networks

Support through financial services

Invest in the promotion of innovative ideas. There are different ways to provide monetary support for Gateway ESC as well.

Gateway Förderverein e.V. was founded in 2022 with the purpose of providing financial support for the sustainable promotion and support of the Gateway-certified start-up centers at Cologne universities.


The organization offers a variety of membership categories. Members jointly promote science and research in support of knowledge transfer to business and society at the universities of the Cologne Gateway Network.

Become a sponsor

Gateway Förderverein e.V. also offers sponsorship opportunities. Tailored sponsorship packages with annual terms and various service packages can be developed together according to your wishes.

Marlena Kopicki (on parental leave)

Alumni- und Partnermanagerin

Gudrun Kuhlmeier, M.Sc.

Fundraising Manager | Team Lead Network & Fundraising | Team Lead Office Management