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The Team

Teamname: equaly

Members: Ronja Hoffacker, Louisa Plasberg





Mentors at university: Prof. Mona Mensmann, Gina Voss
University at which you study/work and faculty(s): BWL Master in Corporate Development (Ronja Hoffacker)

The "motherhood penalty" – the loss of a mother's lifetime earnings due to the birth of a child – amounts to up to 70%. A key to reducing the motherhood penalty is the sharing of care work between partners, which one in two couples in Germany would like to implement, but only under one in five do; partly due to a lack of concrete approaches and role models.

equaly empowers couples with a digital and scalable solution to consciously decide on a shared work-care-model and to implement it.

With equaly, we fight the gender care gap and the motherhood penalty. We are convinced that one of the biggest levers for more gender equality lies in the private sphere – that is, in how couples can overcome traditional role models and share care work equally, so that both partners can pursue their ambitions – at work and as parents – in an equal manner.

Specifically, equaly supports couples on three levels: Planning of a shared work-life-model, finances and day-to-day-organization. equaly guides couples through a standardized planning process, supports a work-care-model planning with recommendations, optimizes day-to-day-organization with automated reminders and reduces mental load – the mental burden of organizing day-to-day tasks – which often remains invisible.