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Teamname: paged





paged provides a user interface that is integrated into customer websites. This allows visually impaired users access to various features (e.g., choosing a dyslexia-friendly font or changing line spacing) and customize text-heavy online content according to their needs.

The user profiles offer an innovative function: The profiles allow users to save changes once they have been made and to apply them not only to all other websites that are equipped with the paged product, but also to all other end devices of the users. The AI algorithms also suggest individual changes to the users, such as which features can help them with their particular condition in order to maximize their reading comfort.

Deniz and Dana, computational neuroscientist and psychologist at the University of Cologne, are the people behind the idea. Together we can address the digital needs of people on the Internet in the best possible way!

The primary vision of paged is to create free access to the Internet. In the course of digitalization, all individuals - regardless of their impairment - have the right to have free access to online information!

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