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Tagxter GmbH

The Team

Teamname: Tagxter GmbH

Members: Fabian Rühle, Marius Mülder, Norman Christ, Andreas Zerbes

Start-up: Tagxter GmbH

Founders: Fabian Rühle, Marius Mülder, Norman Christ, Andreas Zerbes

Mentors at the University of Cologne: Prof. Detlef Schoder, Marc Kley

Founded in: 2016

University at which you study/work and faculty(s): at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne

Our two systems, the "Site Guide" (digital yard management, plant navigation & pager app, maps) and the "Shift Manager" (digital outage management: pool control and internal allocation of open services in hospitals and clinics), are both already being used by a large number of industrial companies and clinics on a daily basis.

Tagxter was founded in 2016 at the University of Cologne and develops smart SaaS solutions for industrial companies and clinics to simplify and digitalize workflows and processes.

Site Guide: Take manual, paper-based yard management tasks performed with expensive hardware and make them digital with a smart app. For instance, truck navigation on the plant site, retrieval from the parking lot or registration: With the Site Guide app, all this can be done easily, digitally and in multiple languages!

Shift Manager: In clinics, arranging staffing for vacant services require lots of human communication, e.g. via telephone. The Shift Manager app solves the problem.

What has Gateway ESC helped you with?

Gateway ESC has supported us with advice and assistance from the very beginning, when we applied for the EXIST grant. We were provided not only with competent contacts covering a wide range of topics, but also with office space.

We will always think back fondly to those times and can recommend Gateway ESC without hesitation.

Our long-term goal is to establish a European de facto standard for navigation on private and company premises, since all conventional navigation devices and apps no longer work (reliably) beyond the factory fence or the property boundary.

With our second system, the Tagxter Shift Manager, we simplify the allocation and coordination of shifts in hospitals and clinics. The Shift Manager was developed in cooperation with the University Hospitals of Cologne and Münster, among others, and is now in use at a large number of large and small hospitals.