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The Team

Teamname: ZENTRAS

Members: Priv.Doz. Dr.med. Michael Schönfeld, Priv.Doz. Dr.med. Kai Laukamp




In radiological examinations, the valuable image data is often not sufficiently utilized. Important information and indications of diseases remain undetected.

ZENTRAS addresses this by making the most modern artificial intelligence applications available to improve radiological findings for all practicing doctors to benefit their patients.

The optimal application is selected and executed by us. Subsequently, the doctor can treat their patients better.

As long as these AI applications are not yet part of the service catalog of health insurance companies, doctors can bill the services to patients as individual health services.

ZENTRAS ermöglicht es niedergelassenen Ärzten, mittels ausgewählten KI-Anwendungen von Drittanbietern ihre Diagnostik zum Wohle der Patienten zu optimieren und dabei zusätzliche Einnahmen zu erzielen.

Diese Anwendungen werden je nach diagnostischer Fragestellung von ZENTRAS bereitgestellt und fallweise abgerechnet. ZENTRAS übernimmt die gesamte Datenverarbeitung, sodass Ärzte die Analysen ihren Patienten als IGeL (Individuelle Gesundheitsleistungen) anbieten können.

ZENTRAS arbeitet dabei analog zu einem Labordienstleister, der von einem niedergelassen Arzt eine Blutprobe (in unserem Fall ein MRT) zugeschickt bekommt, und daraus verschiedene Laborwerte bestimmt.

How did you get together as a team?

We have been working together in radiology at the University Hospital Cologne for several years.

How did you come up with your idea?

In treating our patients and researching AI applications with the goal of improving radiological diagnostics, we have gained a lot of experience with various AI applications over the last few years. 

We have seen that these AI applications sometimes add great value to the therapy of the patients. However, we have also observed that especially in the outpatient sector, these AI applications are hardly used. 

We have thought long about how we can close this gap in patient treatment and have ultimately founded ZENTRAS for this purpose.

What are you studying/working or what have you studied?

We are senior physicians in radiology at the University Hospital Cologne, specializing in neuroradiology.


If it hadn't been for medicine, Kai would probably be running a degu breeding operation, and Michael would be a flight attendant.

Gateway has helped us from the beginning in every phase. The founding was initiated by a presentation from a transfer coach, and the project was further developed in constant consultation with Gateway and partner organizations.