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Robert Habeck and Anna Christmann said yes - to our proposal: RWTH Aachen University and the University of Cologne will work together to create a Startup Factory. Joining us for the project: the Start2 Group and our gateway partners.

A first win in the federal government's flagship competition

We are very pleased that our application in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection'sflagship competition has successfully passed the first step! Together, we want to develop regional start-ups into internationally successful scale-ups.

To achieve this, we are combining our complementary strengths: In Cologne, we have outstanding management and financial expertise as well as a broad spectrum of excellent research. We also use the advantages of the vibrant economic metropolis of Cologne to promote growth.

Among other things, RWTH contributes technological expertise and many successful industry cooperations. With the Start2 Group, we have specialists for scaling and internationalization on board.

Focussing on the research strengths of the respective universities

We are focusing on the research strengths of the universities. Five fields, known as verticals, have been identified for this purpose:

  • Future Energy, Mobility & Infrastructure
  • Chemistry, (Bio-)Materials & PropTech
  • Digitalization, Next Generation Computing & AI
  • Life Science, Health & Sport
  • Legal-, Insure- & Gov-Tech.

Deeptech start-ups will be given access to production and IT infrastructures as well as capital, talent, mentors and pilot customers so that they can grow faster in these areas.

What happens next?

We are now working on a comprehensive strategy until February 2025 - and hope to be one of the 5-10 selected projects that will receive funding of up to €10 million for 5 years.

Die Auswahl von 15 Projekten für die Konzeptphase des Startup Factories ist ein Meilenstein in der Entwicklung Deutschlands hin zu einer führenden Start-up Nation. Gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaft und privaten Investoren wollen wir damit der Unterstützungslandschaft für Start-ups aus der Wissenschaft einen Schub geben.
Robert Habeck
Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

from left to right.:

  • Stefan Drews, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Advisor
  • Anna Christmann, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-ups
  • Prof. Matthias Notz, Start2 Group, CEO
  • Prof. Rainer Minz, University of Cologne, Rector's Representative for Alumni Affairs, Fundraising, and Technology Transfer, and Board Member of Gateway
  • Prof. Matthias Wessling, RWTH Aachen University, Pro-Rector for Research and Structure
  • Robert Habeck, Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action