
The Team
Teamname: neonto
Members: Achim Reiz, Pascal Sommer, Christian Finn
The development of rule-based AI, also known as knowledge graphs, poses challenges for organizations: The technology is complex, there is a major shortage of skilled workers, and the AI must constantly evolve.
With objective quality management, we help developers to do the right things at the right time. This increases AI quality while reducing development costs.
However, its development poses challenges for companies: The technology is complex, there is a significant shortage of skilled workers, and the AI must constantly evolve to remain relevant.
The scientific basis for rule-based AI
Our software brings quality management for rule-based AI to the market based on objective metrics, helping developers to do the right things at the right time. Quality is improved while costs are reduced.
Our approach is scientifically sound and objective. Knowledge Graphs. Empirically better.
How did you get together as a team?
The start-up idea is closely linked to Achim's PhD. From 2019 to 2023, he researched the evaluation of knowledge graphs at the University of Rostock. He was particularly concerned with the practical application of metrics and how graphs develop over time.
However, as no suitable software for calculating the metrics was available at the time, he created it himself.
The result is the "NEOntometrics" software: already the most comprehensive solution for calculating Knowledge Graph metrics.
The PhD will soon come to a successful end. We are convinced that the idea is bigger than a thesis and want to develop it with neonto into a holistic, objective quality management system for enterprises.
What are you studying/working or what have you studied?
Christian is in the final stages of his business studies at the University of Rostock, focusing on digital business models. He also worked in the digital innovation center and has three years of experience in independent financial sales.
Pascal holds a B.Sc. in Media Technology and an M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the TH Cologne. Before neonto, he worked as a full-stack developer at the start-up AutLay.
He was responsible for frontend and backend development as well as IT infrastructure and UX design.
Achim first studied business informatics at the DHBW Mannheim and worked at IBM. He then moved to the University of Rostock, where he received a master's degree in business informatics from Rostock and the ITMO University of St. Petersburg as part of a double-degree program.
He has been researching at the University of Rostock since 2019 and is working on his doctorate. As of Nov. 22, he has 24 publications, 14 in the field of semantic technologies.